Iowa State’s email platform is Microsoft Outlook. Your Outlook account was automatically created after you received your Net-ID, and your Iowa State email address is: [Your Net-ID] Your Outlook account can be accessed through your Sign On Dashboard at It can also be added as an app to your phone, tablet or computer.
As a student Cyclone, all communication from Iowa State offices will go to your Iowa State Outlook (not a previously-used email account). This can include correspondence from Admissions, Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, your academic advisor, your instructors and others. In other words, you are responsible for the information that is sent to you. Learn more about using Outlook.
Microsoft Outlook also offers a calendar. It's great for keeping track of classes, marking exams and scheduling study time or other events. Since faculty and staff also use Outlook, it's possible to request appointments through Outlook. However, be sure to confirm Outlook is the preferred scheduling method, either by referring to your syllabus or reaching out to the individual you're meeting with. Many offices use their own scheduling software, particularly academic advisors, in order to ensure a high-quality experience for everyone.